The Consultant's Alarm Clock

My daughter Annie is a consultant for a major firm and does a lot of traveling. She just posted this on her blog. Some good ideas!
The Consultant's Ultimate Playlist
When you spend a significant portion of your life traveling, as most consultants do, you begin to get really good at it. You know just how much time you need to pack (15 minutes) how much time it takes you to get from your apartment to airport security (25 minutes, plus 5 minutes to park) and the fastest way to get through security (place laptop in tray, load small under-seat bag, load overhead carry-on, de-belt/de-shoe and place these in front of your other items, minimizing time spent beltless/shoeless).
Possibly the most critical part of becoming an expert traveler is also the most secret: the Consultant’s Ultimate Playlist—these are the essential hits for the frequent traveler. Now this list is highly individualized and changes as often as Billboard’s Top 40, but I’ll let you in on some of my tunes that get me out of bed at 4:30 AM, to the airport by 6:00 AM and successfully on a plane before most people have their morning coffee. Here they are, in no specific order…
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham!
Surrender – Cheap Trick
Rich Girl – Hall and Oates
Born to be Wild -- Steppenwolf
Party in the USA – Miley Cyrus
I am a Passenger – Iggy Pop
Send Me on My Way – Rusted Root
Day Tripper – The Beatles
Start Me Up – Rolling Stones
The Distance – Cake
Magic Carpet Ride – Steppenwolf
20th Century Boy – Placebo
I Wanna be Sedated – The Ramones
If I Can Go – Angie Martinez
Little Red Corvette – Prince
Mint Car – The Cure
Ticket to Ride – The Beatles