History chronicles the never-ending search for Good Ground. Farmers prize it for its rich harvests. Soldiers fight for it for its military advantage. To succeed in these challenging times, financial and professional services firms must know their own Good Ground.

Your Good Ground is your target market. To exploit it, you must know who you are, what you do, and why you are better than the competition. To defend your Good Ground, you must know your mission, your vision, your goals, your market position, and your message. Get that right and you dramatically enhance your sales and marketing efforts.

Why would you spend a dime on advertising, public relations, special events, marketing materials, product development, recruiting or sales training before you had the answers to all of these core issues?

Get it right and dramatically enhance your marketing efforts. Get it wrong and waste your time and money … or worse.

The Mission of Good Ground Consulting is to help organizations, teams and leaders discover and defend their Good Ground -- the fertile market niche where their productivity peaks.

The Goal of Good Ground Consulting is to increase productivity, the ultimate standard of selling excellence. GGC does this by using proven marketing and organizational development techniques to help clients focus their businesses, package their services and leverage their resources. This enables them to create a marketing platform to attain their personal and professional goals while enriching their perceived value to their clients -- regardless of market conditions.

Greg Conderacci helps you answer these key questions and use them to your competitive advantage. He has more than 30 years of marketing (Alex. Brown, Prudential, Price Waterhouse, and non-profit) and press (The Wall Street Journal) experience. A seasoned executive manager with a proven leadership and entrepreneurial track record, he is an accomplished writer, consultant, facilitator and public speaker. He has excellent academic credentials (Princeton, Harvard) and teaches marketing at the Johns Hopkins University School of Business.

Good Ground Consulting services include:

  • The Good Ground Process for identifying your team's or organization's niche
  • Marketing strategy to enhance your positioning, advertising and public relations
  • Branding, including identity, message and materials development
  • Motivational speaking on sales and marketing techniques and career development
  • Meeting facilitation for strategic and tactical planning
  • Sales consulting, including planning, strategic selling and presentation skills
  • Team building, especially for sales teams
  • Crisis communication, both internal and external.